Life...I'm no good at titles

It's been a long time since I've written anything and I've wanted to write for a while but I haven't felt particularly inspired for any one post. Honestly, I still don't feel inspired to write on any specific topic but I feel like I need to write. So we'll see where it goes. Today is Matt and I's first wedding anniversary. One whole year. In some ways it feels like forever and in other ways I can't believe it's already been a year! We've accomplished a lot: we changed jobs, we got a dog, we camped, we paid off student loans 🙌💪, and we've done a LOT of dreaming. Thinking of how much we have done this year and how hard we are working to be smart financially, I'm really proud of us for saying no to some things so that we can reach our goals faster. However, I'm also a planner and dreamer and I've learned that I'm not very good at being patient with time. I have big dreams and I like knowing what's next but in this season...