Made in God's Image Not in His Image
In the last couple of months, the idea of image has been a common one. We've all heard it before "we are made in the image of God" but what does that really mean? Do we believe it or is it just something nice to say? If we are truly made in God's image then to understand who we are and who God is calling us to be we need to first ask, and begin to have an understanding, of who God is. It is not possible for us to ever understand the fullness of God and I could go on for a long time about all the things that God is, but I'm not going to do that right now. Instead, I want to focus on our perception of God and how it impacts the way we view ourselves--specifically girls. First off, I want to say that God has no gender and there is both masculine AND feminine language and imagery used for God in the Bible. Primarily though, we see and use the masculine language. Go back as far as you want and you'll find masculine language for God (He, King, ...